Can Snoring Leave You Wrinkled And Frail?
You may not realize it, but as you age you become more and more likely to snore. This is not a coincidence.
According to some studies, the rate of snoring among senior citizens may be as high as twice the amount of 30 year olds that snore. There is definitely something going on here.
The question is, does getting old cause you to snore or does snoring cause you to age faster?
The truth is that the answer is a little bit of both. If you are younger, then snoring could keep you from getting the rest you need. If this goes on for a long enough period of time it could cause issues that may not be common for those in their 30s or even 40s. However, there is a little more to the other side of things.
Let me tell you a bit more about how your age can make you more likely to snore. It’s no secret that things loosen up as we age. Skin isn’t as tight as it used to be, sometimes the mind dulls a bit, and muscles relax more than they used to.
That includes the muscles all around your airway. The tongue, jaw, and throat can definitely be affected by age. As you age these muscles lose their tone. When they lose their tone they take up more space and can begin to constrict your airway during sleep. That’s pretty much the long and short of it. Loose muscles are also more vulnerable to vibrations caused by breathing.
What You Can Do
Singing for a better night’s sleep might sound a little off the wall at first, but in this situation it can help. Singing is great exercise for the muscles of the mouth and throat. It can go a long way towards keeping them tight and where they belong.
Actually, a number of mouth and throat specific exercise plans have been created just for this. Even some snorers who aren’t quite to the golden years yet can be helped by these exercises. Most of the programs focus on the warm ups singers use and things like tongue movements and forceful facial expressions.
There are other things that can help too. One thing that comes to mind is the tongue retaining mouthpiece. A tongue retaining mouthpiece simply sucks onto the tip of the tongue and holds it forward while you sleep.
They are not painful or uncomfortable in the least. I know from experience because I use one. Some other options that may help you include light exercise and even things like yoga.
Although your chances of snoring increase with your age, that doesn’t mean that you have to sit back and watch it happen. All you have to do is act. Start singing for a few minutes a day. Buy a tongue retaining mouthpiece. Go outside and walk or jog. It usually doesn’t take much to begin seeing improvements. All of these solutions have other benefits too, so keep that in mind.
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