Anti-Snoring Device Reviews
I have grouped my reviews according to recommendation. In other words, I keep the bad with the bad and the good with the good. Let me tell you one thing, the good solutions are outnumbered by the bad ones by quite a bit, so be careful. Pay attention to what I say in my reviews, they were made to help you.
It is very important to pick the right solution for you. What works for your friend, your spouse, or your relative may not do anything for you. You may not snore for the same reason. However, once you know why you snore I am sure you can find something that fits your needs.
Please do not just start trying each solution one by one. I’ve already been there and I have spent a lot of money to do it. They say that the least painful way to learn is to do it by watching another’s mistakes, so learn from what didn’t work for me.
Do not pay for something that will not work for you. Some of the companies that make snoring solutions are reputable, but some are not. Be sure to pick the device that’s right for you because getting your money back can take a miracle in some cases.
In my reviews I cover every factor that you should consider when choosing the best solution for your situation. I reveal everything about the product including if it really works, who it works best for, if there are any side effects, and if it is worth the price or not.
With all of the information that I have laid out for you, I know that you will be able to make a great decision. If you are having trouble though, I have also made a comparison chart where you can see the major pros and cons of each solution all in one place.
My Favorite Devices
The Good Morning Snore Solution is what I use to keep myself from snoring. Before finding it I tried pretty much everything else out there. This mouthpiece works very well for me and I am completely satisfied with it.
Many people who try it are thrilled with it and make the same decision that I did. It works better than anything else for me and I recommend it to everyone that asks. I’ll tell you some of the[...]
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ZQuiet is a jaw retaining mouthpiece that many people have had good results with. It’s still fairly new in the marketplace since it is only a few years old. As with any solution this one has its strengths and weaknesses too. I’ll start with the positives.
Why and How It Works
Like I said this is a jaw correcting mouthpiece (read more). When you sleep with this device in it gently pulls your jaw forward to [...]
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Other Worth Trying
This solution is another one that is known to provide results. It’s not bad at all actually. If your jaw is the reason that you snore then there is a good chance this device can help you. I’m not a big fan of jaw retaining mouthpieces but this one manages to do its job without many issues. Let’s get to the details.
What Is It?
I’m glad you asked! Vitalsleep is a jaw correcting mouthpiece. This kind of device will move your jaw and [...]
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This device is a quality jaw retaining mouthpiece. It does work for those that snore because of their jaw. It has some features that help to make it better than competing products. Those will be covered here as well as the minor weaknesses of this solution.
Why It’s Better
There are a few things that make this product better than a lot of its competitors. It’s always nice to see multiple strengths in one product. Since that is the case [...]
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Not recommended
Snore GuardThe Snore Guard is a jaw retaining mouthpiece that has one big thing separating it from the com [...]Read more >>>
Snore Eliminator MouthpieceThe Snore Eliminator mouthpiece is your standard run of the mill jaw retaining mouthpiece. I'm [...]Read more >>>
Breathe Right I’m sure you’ve seen this product before. It wasn’t so long ago that ads for Breathe Righ [...]Read more >>>
RipSnoreRipSnore is one of the more popular anti-snoring devices. Honestly I don’t know why. It’s n [...]Read more >>>
Max Air Nose ConesThis solution is pretty self-explanatory. You’ve probably seen nose cones before. As far as I [...]Read more >>>
AcuRestThis is an interesting little device. I’ve never seen another snoring solution like it. The p [...]Read more >>>
Snore BusterPut simply, the Snore Buster is an Australian Made jaw retaining mouthpiece. Please remember th [...]Read more >>>
Zicac Stop Snoring Wrist WatchThis is another one of the more unique snoring solutions on the market today. How it works is p [...]Read more >>>
SnoreEzzz SnoreEzzz is an anti-snoring pillow. You may have even seen it on TV. It’s available many pla [...]Read more >>>
SnoreMenderThis solution is a mouthpiece. It falls into the jaw retaining category, and I have some mixed [...]Read more >>>
My Snoring SolutionIf you’ve been looking for a snoring solution for any amount of time you have probably seen t [...]Read more >>>
Rematee Bumper BeltThis is a unique snoring solution. I actually haven’t seen another product like this. It’s [...]Read more >>>
Chin-Up StripThis product is okay. It’s not the kind of chin strap that I talked about in my article cover [...]Read more >>>
SnoreLess PillowThis solution would be perfect for so many people. However, it would have to actually work for [...]Read more >>>
SnoreZipThis snoring solution isn’t great or terrible. It sits right in the middle. SnoreZip may or m [...]Read more >>>