Hi, I am Robert Bates

I have a snoring problem. Well, actually I had a snoring problem. Snoring is not a joke though [...]
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Snoring Solutions Overview

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Good Morning Snore Solution
This device is what I use to keep myself from snoring. Before finding it I tried [...]
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Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy Review

Product details:
Type: EPAP
Clinical studies: Yes
FDA cleared: Yes
Price: $19.99 (10-day supply)
Money back: Yes, 30 days
Company name: Ventus Medical Inc
Business address: 101 Metro Drive #620, San Jose, CA 95110
BBB accredited: Not Listed
Scambook complaints: No

You may have heard of Provent recently. It was created as a solution for sleep apnea and it was supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread. This system is also called an EPAP. The first thing you need to know is how this solution works.

Why This Solution Is Different

This solution resembles a very small bandage that you might use to cover a small cut on your fingertip. It is placed over your nostrils. You need one for each side.

Each one has a small hole that is covered with a fine mesh-like material. It lets you breathe in normally, but when you breathe out it adds resistance to pressurize your airway and hold it open.

Each one is disposable and you need a new one for each nostril every night. To give you a general idea of what a box may cost, just count on each piece costing you two dollars or more. It’s a nifty idea, but you should definitely read the rest of this review before you decide if you want to go this route.

Background Info

Unlike many other products on the market, Provent has been cleared by the FDA for the treatment of sleep apnea. It has also been clinically studied and it was generally successful in the study.

It does not work for everyone, but you’ll see that soon. The company behind this solution does not have a record with the Better Business Bureau. They are not accredited but they have not had any complaints filed about them.

The results of the study were published and they weren’t bad at all. Fifty-eight percent of the test subjects stopped snoring and 83% noticed a reduction in snoring.

That may sound impressive at first, but there are several mouthpieces with more impressive clinical results. You should also keep in mind that Provent is only available with a prescription although it is already being sold on the internet.


Some of the big benefits of the EPAP system have already been mentioned. First of all, this system is very easy to use. Just stick the pads over your nostrils and go to sleep.

Since the pads are single use only that is both good and bad. It’s good for you because you don’t have to hand over a chunk of money upfront to try out this solution. It’s bad because some people get annoyed since they constantly have to order more.

This also gets expensive. These little pads may look simple but they are not cheap by any means. On the other hand, you never have to clean anything and all solutions need replaced eventually. It just depends on how you want to look at it.

Real World Use

The results from the clinical study weren’t bad, but they weren’t great either. It seems like that’s pretty accurate for the average user as well. There’s one thing I want to point out to you here though.

Apparently, the manufacturer changed how this product was made a while back. The word on the street is that they changed the adhesive to something a bit weaker and they also softened the whole thing. I didn’t have a chance to try the old ones, but I will say I think they would be better if they were stiffer and had a stronger adhesive.

Overall what people see from Provent is pretty hit or miss. Some people love it, some people hate it. It makes sense though. If your problem lies in your throat then putting something on your nose just isn’t going to cut it.


I’m not telling you that this solution is bad. It really is a great idea. The problem with it is the cost and the fact that it doesn’t work for as many people as some other solutions.

Those two reasons are why I do not recommend Provent if you only have a snoring problem and not sleep apnea. Stick to what works the best and check out a tongue retaining mouthpiece if snoring is your problem.

If you need something to treat sleep apnea then this may be one of the most effective options next to a CPAP. This system has some advantages over the CPAP, so if you have sleep apnea you should do some thinking about both.