Snore-Ex Review
Product details: | |
Type: | Jaw supporting mouthpiece |
Clinical studies: | ![]() |
FDA cleared: | ![]() |
Price: | $16.95 |
Money back: | ![]() |
Company name: | TriPoint Labs |
BBB accredited: | ![]() |
Scam complaints: | ![]() |
Snore-Ex is a jaw retaining mouthpiece much like any other. The trick is that it is not supposed to be according to the manufacturer. Brief claims are made that it does not work this way.
I’ll go into this in more detail later. Before I tell you about that you need to know the basic facts and problems that accompany this device.
How It Works
This solution fits over your teeth like all jaw retaining devices do. It does this in such a way that your jaw is moved forward. By moving the jaw forward the mouthpiece attempts to prevent airway obstruction.
This is all some people need. However, this is not why everyone snores. Since snoring can be caused by the jaw as well as things like the tongue, nose, or genetic differences this kind of solution cannot work for everyone.
Interestingly enough, the information provided by the manufacturer claims that this mouthpiece does not affect the jaw. In other sections on the same website the producer admits that it does. The truth is that this is a jaw retaining mouthpiece, don’t be fooled.
Background Check
There is not a lot of information available about this company. The company that produces Snore Ex is called TriPoint Labs. Their product is not FDA approved.
They also do not have a record with the BBB. This is both good and bad. The good thing is that no complaints have been filed against them. The bad thing is that they are not accredited either, so they might not be very worried about their customers and customer satisfaction.
Some devices like this are completely solid. Those that are do not allow you to breathe through your mouth at all while you’re using it. This tends to be a problem for those that snore because of their jaw.
The reason I brought this up is because this product has an air hole. This lets you continue to breathe through your mouth if that is something you normally do. I don’t know anyone who can consciously control how they breathe while they are sleeping. With that in mind, you should choose a device that works with how you naturally sleep as opposed to against it.
This is one of the cheapest solutions I have found. Each mouthpiece is only $16.95 plus shipping and handling. There’s a bit of a catch though.
There is only one place get this product and that is the company’s website. The site itself is a bit hard to find but that might be a good thing considering the experiences many people have had with this device.
You can expect the product to last somewhere between six and eight months if you would decide to buy it. That’s not a bad life span but I’ve seen better ones. The only guarantee offered on the product is the 30 day return period.
I was surprised with what I found when I read the fine print though. If you do want to return the mouthpiece it must be new and unopened. I don’t know about you, but I usually have to take something out of the package to try it.
Real World Use
Given the look and feel of this mouthpiece I wasn’t really surprised when I saw so many complaints and bad reviews. There are a number of things that can go wrong with any jaw retaining mouthpiece, but this is one of the worst I’ve ever seen in this area.
Some soreness should be expected with any device like this but with this one it is not uncommon for it to last up to three weeks. As you can probably guess it is also uncomfortable while it is being used.
It just seems to be a very poor fit for most people’s mouths. That actually brings me to the last two things I want to mention. Since this mouthpiece does not fit many people it falls out a lot.
I don’t care how great or revolutionary or proven a solution is, if it doesn’t stay in place it can’t work. On top of that, I was a little surprised to see the amount of drooling that this product caused for so many people.
There is no way I can recommend this mouthpiece to you. It may be cheap and it may be based on sound principles, but it is junk. Of all the things I do know about it the best thing I can say is that it has an air hole to lessen the chances of inhaling it and gagging.
Stay away from this product. The issues it causes just aren’t worth it.