Hi, I am Robert Bates

I have a snoring problem. Well, actually I had a snoring problem. Snoring is not a joke though [...]
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Snoring Solutions Overview

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  • Chin StrapsAnother device commonly used to stop snoring is the chin strap or chin up strap. This device is [...]
  • PillowsOne option you may have seen before is the anti-snoring pillow. These aren’t anything [...]

Best Snoring Devices

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Good Morning Snore Solution
Good Morning Snore Solution
This device is what I use to keep myself from snoring. Before finding it I tried [...]
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SnoreZip Review

Product details:
Type: Oral Spray
Clinical studies: No
FDA cleared: Yes
Price: $44.95
Money back: No
BBB accredited: Not Listed
Scambook complaints: No

This snoring solution isn’t great or terrible. It sits right in the middle. SnoreZip may or may not be able to help you, but I’m going to tell you if it can and why.

This Solution Is…

An oral spray! There are a variety of sprays on the market that say they can keep you from snoring but most of them are for your nose. Since this one is for your mouth it did catch my attention. When I found out it’s an oral spray the first thing I wanted to know was how it tastes. Most people describe it as minty, almost like toothpaste. That’s not bad. I’ve tasted some terrible sprays before so this was important to me.

Why It Works For Some People

This solution is made from natural ingredients. What this blend does is break up and reduce mucus. Mucus can make you snore but that isn’t one of the main causes. This product will work better if you have a cold, allergies, or sinus problems. Those are the main times people have too much mucus. If you snore because of anything else then this spray may still help, but it is not a great standalone solution.

The directions tell you to spray a bit of it beneath your tongue two times every day. Only a small amount is needed to start breaking up and reducing mucus. Although long term snoring because of mucus is rare some people do experience this. In that case this oral spray may be able to help.

The exact ingredients used in this formula are not revealed. To me that is a bit sketchy, but if the product does what it says then I can live with it.

The Problem

The problem isn’t that this spray doesn’t do what it says. It does help to break up mucus. Most minty things do, even a strong mint gum can do it. The real problem is that this is promoted as a snoring solution that can work for anyone. That’s not entirely true. Yes, it will help some people. Others will not notice a difference. It just depends on whether mucus is a problem for you or not.

Signs Of Quality

There is some good news here. This solution is made by a good company. They aren’t another here today gone tomorrow business. The makers of this product have been around for about ten years now. Any consumer product that has survived for ten years has to work for some people.

The business has not had any complaints filed against them but they are not registered with the BBB either. What I did find interesting is that they are registered with the FDA. That is another good sign in my book. Although the product does not appear to be cleared by the FDA, the company’s registration with them should still put your mind at ease if you decide to try this spray. Clinical data is not mentioned on the sales page but if mucus is your problem this can probably help.


This spray will not help everyone. That being said, some people will see results from it. You could benefit from using it if mucus is the main reason you snore. Although this may not be a great solution for everyone it might be something good to keep around for colds or allergy season. Like I said, this spray isn’t great or terrible. It will just work better for some people than others.