Hi, I am Robert Bates

I have a snoring problem. Well, actually I had a snoring problem. Snoring is not a joke though [...]
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Snoring Solutions Overview

  • MouthpiecesThe first choice and most useful device on the market today is the mouthpiece. I prefer [...]
  • Chin StrapsAnother device commonly used to stop snoring is the chin strap or chin up strap. This device is [...]
  • PillowsOne option you may have seen before is the anti-snoring pillow. These aren’t anything [...]

Best Snoring Devices

Best Tongue Retaining:
Good Morning Snore Solution
Good Morning Snore Solution
This device is what I use to keep myself from snoring. Before finding it I tried [...]
Best Jaw Supporting:
ZQuiet is a jaw retaining mouthpiece that many people have had good results with [...]

Latest Articles

Snoring Explained

Snoring and Smoking: Is Smoking Ruining Your Sleep?

You probably already know that snoring can be caused by many things. For example, snoring can be caused by genetics, body weight, or age. One thing you may not be aware of is that smoking can make you snore. Yes, there is a real connection here. Just keep reading to find out what that connection [...]

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Snoring and Obesity: Is Your Throat Fat?

There are lots of people who snore. There are also lots of people who are overweight. What most people don’t realize is that there is a connection between these two. Can snoring make you fat? Yes, it can be a contributing factor but that isn’t what I’m going to tell you about. I’m going to [...]

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Sleep Deprivation – More Than A Job Killer?

Oh yes, sleep deprivation can do much more than put a damper on your productivity at work. This is a condition that affects roughly 45% of the population at any given time. Since that is the case, many of us consider it normal. You should not go through life sleep deprived. Why is that? You’ll [...]

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Can Snoring Leave You Wrinkled And Frail?

You may not realize it, but as you age you become more and more likely to snore. This is not a coincidence. According to some studies, the rate of snoring among senior citizens may be as high as twice the amount of 30 year olds that snore. There is definitely something going on here. The [...]

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Allergies and Snoring: Are You Sleeping With A Deafening Murderer?

They could be in your bedroom every night. You might never know. Who, or perhaps what, is this ear-popping killer lurking in the shadows? The answer is snoring, but you probably already knew that. What you might not have known is that it may be caused by an allergy. The Culprit: Allergic Rhinitis Chances are [...]

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Does A Sore Throat Really Mean You’re Getting Sick?

How many times have you woken up with a sore throat and thought to yourself, “No, I can’t get sick!” I’ve done it quite a few times myself. That was before I knew any better though. There is actually something much more common that can give you a sore throat whether it’s flu season or [...]

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Dairy Products and Snoring

Yes, dairy products and snoring are connected. It’s a little controversial, and there’s some room for debate, but there is a connection. So how could dairy play a role in snoring? I’m glad you asked! The Connection You probably already know how these two things are connected, you just didn’t realize it. Something happens when [...]

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What is Sleep Apnea?

Snoring and sleep apnea are often confused, but it is important to know the difference between the two. Sleep apnea is a serious condition that is even more hazardous to your health than normal snoring. As I’ve mentioned before, snoring itself is not so dangerous. The causes and effects of snoring are. However, sleep apnea [...]

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Causes of Snoring

Snoring can be caused by a number of different things. Two of the most common reasons for snoring also happen to be easily fixed. Those two would be drinking too much alcohol and being overweight. Alcohol and Relaxation You know a little alcohol makes relaxing much easier. Unfortunately, alcohol can relax things a bit too [...]

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What Is Snoring?

Snoring is when your mouth hangs open at night and makes loud funny noises right? It’s actually a lot more than that. Did you know that snoring has been linked to strokes and blood vessel problems? Some cases are more serious than others. However, you may actually be suffocating in your sleep if you have [...]

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