Hi, I am Robert Bates

I have a snoring problem. Well, actually I had a snoring problem. Snoring is not a joke though [...]
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Snoring Solutions Overview

  • MouthpiecesThe first choice and most useful device on the market today is the mouthpiece. I prefer [...]
  • Chin StrapsAnother device commonly used to stop snoring is the chin strap or chin up strap. This device is [...]
  • PillowsOne option you may have seen before is the anti-snoring pillow. These aren’t anything [...]

Best Snoring Devices

Best Tongue Retaining:
Good Morning Snore Solution
Good Morning Snore Solution
This device is what I use to keep myself from snoring. Before finding it I tried [...]
Best Jaw Supporting:
ZQuiet is a jaw retaining mouthpiece that many people have had good results with [...]

Latest Articles

Snoring Solutions

Pillar Procedure

The Pillar Procedure: Simple Operation With Low Risk

The Pillar Procedure This procedure is a popular surgical option to stop snoring. It is a fairly simple operation with low risk. It is being used to help prevent normal snoring as well as sleep apnea. This option is pretty quick and should be done in well under an hour. The risks are low because [...]

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Exercise as a Snoring Solution

Exercise is one of the best solutions available for a number of reasons. I’m sure you already know most of those so I won’t repeat too many here. What most people don’t know is that there are actually specific exercises for your throat that can keep you from snoring. Train Your Airway These movements work [...]

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Yoga As A Snoring Solution

Yoga is a great way to stop snoring naturally. If you know anything about yoga then you already know it is not just about stretching. Next to stretching, another very large part of it is controlled breathing. However, the breathing exercises are not the only way yoga can help to reduce snoring. Ways Yoga Helps [...]

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Overview of Natural Snoring Solutions

When it comes to trying to stop snoring naturally this is one of those areas that you get out of it what you put into it. If you would like to try to stop snoring the natural way then I have some information that you may find very helpful. Prepare yourself for a little bit [...]

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Types of Snoring Solutions Overview

Since there are so many different types of snoring solutions out there I know things can get confusing for you. I will do my best to help you understand each type of solution that is available so you can pick the best one for your snoring problem. One thing that you will notice is that [...]

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Surgical Snoring Solutions

Surgical options are generally saved for a last resort when it comes to snoring. There are several different procedures available that will be discussed here. The Pillar procedure is a good option for some people so there is a separate article focusing on just that. Surgeries that stop snoring tend to focus on one specific [...]

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CPAP as Snoring Solution

A CPAP system or continuous positive airway pressure system is what most doctors recommend to those with sleep apnea. These systems do work, but there are some serious drawbacks to owning or using one. Unit Cost The cost of these units is a hard pill for most people to swallow. Some of these machines cost [...]

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Anti-snoring Chin Straps: How Do They Work?

The anti-snoring chin strap has been around for a while. Sometimes they are also called a chin up strap. This is because of what they do to prevent you from snoring. It’s a very simple device so don’t believe the hype and pay too much for one. How Do They Work? A chin strap works [...]

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Anti-Snoring Pillows

Anti-snoring pillows are something that I recommend people to steer clear of. When looking for an anti-snoring product you can usually tell what kind of snoring the product will stop. Nasal products help nose snorers, chin straps help mouth snorers, you get the picture. With anti-snoring pillows this is not the case. Pillows like this [...]

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Anti-Snoring Nasal Products

Nasal products that aim to stop snoring vary a lot. You’ve probably seen sprays, nose strips, nostril cones, nose clips, and other things too. This variety of nasal products has something in common. They can only help one kind of snoring. As you have probably guessed by now, all of these products are made to [...]

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Anti-Snoring Sprays and Pills

There are a lot of products in this category as well so I’ve done my best to include the most common ones that you may find. Many of these products claim to keep you from snoring period but that is far from the truth. However, it is important to keep in mind that these products [...]

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Stop Snoring Mouthpiece Reviews: Which is the Best?

Anti-snoring mouthpieces are in a class of their own when it comes to snoring solutions. They are known to work well, have little to no negative side effects, and some are even proven in clinical settings before they come to the market. However, it is important to know that there are different kinds of them [...]

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herbal tea

Natural Remedies For Snoring

While an anti-snoring mouthguard is the easiest and most effective remedy to end pesky snoring before it turns into a major problem, there are lots of alternative remedies, new and old, that have helped a lot of frustrated husbands and kids solve their snoring problems. These methods are getting more and more respect from western [...]

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What Is A Snoring Chin Strap?

If you’re considering a snoring chin strap, stay tuned – you’re about to learn how they work, the advantages, the disadvantages, and a vital step you need to take before letting one into your home. The chin strap is a pretty straightforward device – you sling it over your face and around your chin. That [...]

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How To Snop Snoring: The Ultimate Checklist

It’s all too easy to treat snoring as a silly annoyance. After all, if you’ve tried to catch some sleep at night only to be interrupted by your husband (or wife) doing their best impersonation of a buzzasaw at night, you know it’s a funny story. But snoring is more dangerous than it sounds. Snoring [...]

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