Hi, I am Robert Bates

I have a snoring problem. Well, actually I had a snoring problem. Snoring is not a joke though [...]
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Snoring Solutions Overview

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ZQuiet Review

Product details:
Type: Jaw supporting mouthpiece
Clinical studies: No
FDA cleared: Yes
Price: $69.90 ($9.95 first + $59.95 after 35 days of trial)
Money back: Yes, 30 days (trial period)
Company name: Sleeping Well LLC
Business address: 5247 Shelburne Road Shelburne, VT 05482
BBB accredited: Yes
BBB rating (A+ to F):BBB Rating A
Scambook complaints: No

ZQuiet is a jaw retaining mouthpiece that many people have had good results with. It’s still fairly new in the marketplace since it is only a few years old. As with any solution this one has its strengths and weaknesses too. I’ll start with the positives.

Why and How It Works

Like I said this is a jaw correcting mouthpiece (read more). When you sleep with this device in it gently pulls your jaw forward to keep it from making your airway smaller. This kind of solution is nothing new and it has been proven to work. Mouthpieces that do the same thing have been used to keep people from snoring for at least the past ten years.

This device won’t work for everyone but it is certainly something to consider if your jaw is the reason you snore. Reviews from real people are a little scarce but it can help many people to reduce or even stop snoring.

The Good

There is one thing about the product that really impressed me. That is the hinge feature at the back of this mouthpiece. Too many jaw correcting devices do not allow you to breathe through your mouth once you have it in. With the hinge at the back this problem has been solved. It allows you to breathe through your mouth while you sleep, like you normally would. This makes the product much easier to use and more comfortable to sleep with too.

Many people choose this solution because of the convenience factor. You just order, take it out of the box, and it’s ready to go. The unit comes ready to use and one size fits all. There is no fitting process of any kind to worry about. This is an advantage over some other products since some people don’t go through the fitting process right the first time.

With other devices that are made to be customized that means sending the unit back and waiting for another one if you mess up the fit. That can’t happen with this solution. It’s one less thing to worry about.

Since the product is made to fit everyone right out of the package, you don’t need to worry about adjusting it either. However, if it is too large for your mouth it can be trimmed easily for a more comfortable fit. The manufacturer even mentions this on their official website.

Trial Period

This snoring solution has a trial period offered by the manufacturer. It seems that the trial deal is only available online. What’s nice about this is they give you thirty days to try out the product. To get your trial with the device it will only set you back about ten dollars. It’s not free, but at least it’s not expensive.


ZQuiet is made of a soft material that is similar to rubber. It’s just firm enough to do its job while still being flexible enough to be comfortable during use. Add that to the fact that this design includes a hinge that allows you to breathe naturally and this mouthpiece is already ahead of many others. The hinge lets you open your mouth without losing the device and some claim you can even talk or take a drink without removing it.

When you close your mouth and the device is pushed down completely it has a built in structure that keeps your mouth open just enough to breathe normally. This is all done without being too uncomfortable. The normal time to get used to this solution can be up to a few weeks. Until then you may notice a little soreness in your mouth or jaw. That is completely normal for a mouthpiece like this.

The Bad

Bad experiences have been pretty scarce. I actually wasn’t able to find any horror stories about this snoring solution. It comes with the standard risks that any jaw retaining mouthpiece does, but your chances of not having any negative side effects are pretty high in this case. This is because of the design of the product and the fact that this kind of mouthpiece has been around long enough to be improved. The only real complaints out there are about customer service.

Since this product fits over and around your teeth it will need to be replaced every so often. That also means you will have to clean it and maintain it. Each device should last a minimum of several months if you use it every night.

Company, Clinical Data, and FDA Status

This solution is made by Sleeping Well LLC. They are accredited by the BBB and have been given an A- rating. There have been some complaints about their advertising and a few about their trial period. These aren’t really anything to worry about. The claims about their advertising were put under the microscope and the company came out on top. That was the end of the advertising complaints. There were three complaints about the trial period and returns. Please keep in mind that no matter how great a product may be, there will always be someone who complains about it.

The way that this device works has been scientifically proven. As I mentioned earlier, solutions like this have been around for a while now and companies have had plenty of time to make improvements from the original mouthpieces that tried to do the same thing. The ones available now tend to be safer and work better.

This product is cleared by the FDA so that means it is pretty safe and does what it’s supposed to. I always like to check the FDA status of snoring products since some of them are not approved.


ZQuiet could be a good solution for you. It is a nice product that has worked well for many people. This device works best for anyone that is snoring because of their jaw.

The design is based on research and the hinge feature is what sets it apart from the competition. It’s always nice to see a trial period like the one available. Trial periods also tend to be a sign of confidence in the product.

What it really comes down to is you. If the features of this device sound good to you then give it a try. It’s cheap and very simple to use. If you snore because of your jaw, this is one high quality option out there for you.